Prepared4ALL: Whole Community Inclusive Emergency Planning
- Website
- Posted on: 07.14.2021
- Author(s):
- Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)
- State Collaborator(s):
- emergency preparedness courses
- Abstract
The Prepared4ALL emergency preparedness courses will increase your knowledge about whole community emergency planning, including COVID-19 planning, as well as provide basic information needed to connect with your own local emergency planners, public health professionals, and community. Learning Agendas help to build on the concepts and skills to deepen your impact on your own communities. Each lesson has a short preview to get an idea of what you'll be learning.
Prepared4All addresses gaps in emergency planning by sharing insights on how to make efforts accessible for people with disabilities through three related strategies:
- Prepared4ALL: Whole Community Inclusive Emergency Planning - A new, free online training on the basics of the American Emergency Management System, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and whole community planning.
- Prepared4ALL Disability Inclusion Coach program to help AUCD trainees form local networks between local disability organizations in the community, local emergency management, and public health professionals.
- Prepared4All Town Halls which link local chapters of disability organizations and make introductions to local public health planners and emergency managers to trouble shoot and discuss solutions.
Fact Sheet: Creating an Accessible Vaccine Experience for People with Disabilities and Older Adults
- Document
- Posted on: 04.13.2021
- Author(s):
- Administration for Community Living
- Abstract
This factsheet provides helpful information and resources about the COVID-19 vaccine experience and how to create an accessible experience for people with disabilities and older adults.
For more information and resources related to COVID-19 issues for people with disabilities and older adults, visit the Administration for Community Living Covid-19 Response website.
COVID-19: Why Get Vaccinated?
- Document
- Posted on: 03.11.2021
- Author(s):
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Florida State Health Department
- Abstract
Encouraging you to get the vaccine to protect yourself, your coworkers, your patients, your family, and your community. View this factsheet to learn why it is important to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
COVID-19 Vaccine: Plain Language Infographic
- Document
- Posted on: 03.11.2021
- Author(s):
- Florida State Department of Health
- Abstract
A plain language infographic about the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
Disability Rights New York: COVID-19 Resource Guide
- Website
- Posted on: 03.11.2021
- Author(s):
- Disability Rights New York
- Abstract
Disability Rights New York (DRNY) has been closely monitoring the status of COVID-19 within New York State and across the country. In order to protect our staff, our families, and our community, DRNY has decided to temporarily close our offices to the public..
DRNY will continually assess the situation and follow the recommendations of our federal, state and local authorities and will continue to be a partner to you and our community as we navigate this public health concern. As information becomes available, DRNY will update the below list of resources and as always, feel free to call, email or visit our website if you need further assistance.
COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet
- Website
- Posted on: 03.11.2021
- Author(s):
- Autistic Self Advocacy Network
- Abstract
Plain language factsheets with easy to read information about COVID-19 and the vaccine.
COVID-19 Data Tracker
- Website
- Posted on: 03.11.2021
- Author(s):
- Centers for Disease Contro and Prevention (CDC)
- Abstract
Use this resources to find maps and charts tracking cases, deaths, and trends of COVID-19 in the United States, updated daily by 8 pm ET.
COVID Data Tracker: Informational Video
- Video
- Posted on: 03.11.2021
- Author(s):
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Abstract
Learn more about the COVID Data Tracker, CDC's home for COVID-19 data, including vaccinations, cases, and hospitalizations and more. It offers easy-to-interpret visualizations, such as interactive maps and graphs. Visit COVID Data Tracker for more information.
Toolkit for Pregnant People and New Parents
- Website
- Posted on: 03.11.2021
- Author(s):
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Abstract
This toolkit provides resources and tools to help pregnant people, breastfeeding people, and new parents caring for infants to protect their health and help people who serve these communities communicate with them.
COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritization Dashboard
- Website
- Posted on: 03.11.2021
- Author(s):
- Johns Hopkins Disability Health Research Center, Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities
- Abstract
This dashboard was created as a partnership between the Johns Hopkins Disability Health Research Center and the Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities as a starting point for understanding how the disability community is prioritized in COVID-19 vaccine distribution and intends to help people with disabilities determine when they qualify for a COVID-19 vaccine in their state.
This tool tracks vaccine prioritization plans across four categories for the 50 US states, 5 US territories, and the District of Columbia:
1. Long-term care settings, such as nursing homes
2. Other types of congregate care settings, including group homes
3. People with chronic conditions
4. Additional disability-related groups, including three main groups: (1) people with disabilities who receive direct support care in the community, (2) people with intellectual or developmental disabilities, or (3) recipients of certain Medicaid programs