Emergency Broadband Benefit
- Website
- Posted on: 03.02.2021
- Author(s):
- Federal Communications Commission
- Abstract
The Emergency Broadband Benefit is an FCC program to help households struggling to pay for internet service during the pandemic. This new benefit will connect eligible households to jobs, critical healthcare services, and virtual classrooms.
Elevated COVID-19 Mortality Risk Among Recipients of Home and Community-Based Services: A case for Prioritizing Vaccination for This Population
- Document
- Posted on: 03.02.2021
- Author(s):
- H. Stephen Kaye, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Institute for Health & Aging, University of California San Francisco President, Board of Directors, Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund
- Abstract
Under Federal guidance, states have developed plans to vaccinate residents for COVID-19 in tiers. Nursing home residents and older adults have been prioritized across the board, but as state plans evolve over time, it has become clear that nonelderly community residents with disabilities, as a group, are not being afforded high priority for vaccination. Several states target segments of the disability population, such as those with specified chronic health conditions confirmed to increase the risk of COVID-related mortality, leaving many others at high risk for COVID exposure, severe disease, and mortality to wait for a later phase.
This analysis focuses on people with disabilities who need and receive long -term services and supports (LTSS) in their homes and other community settings, a largely overlooked population at high risk for both exposure to the virus, because they typically get daily help and other services from people entering their living quarters, and for mortality, because of health conditions and impairments that increase their likelihood of severe disease.
Frequently Asked Questions by Guardians About the COVID-19 Vaccine for Long-Term Care Facility Residents
- Document
- Posted on: 02.02.2021
- Author(s):
- Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities
- Abstract
The National Guardianship Association, along with the American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging and the National Center for State Courts, recognizes that guardians have many questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. Together we have developed some answers to questions we are hearing from guardians. This supplements the FAQ published in September 2020.
For all questions you should refer to your state laws, local resources, medical advice, and specific court orders. Nothing in this document is to be considered legal advice for specific questions. Consult with your attorney and other professionals as necessary and use the NGA Standards of Practice for further guidance when faced with difficult decisions.
Social Story: Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine from ThinkEquitable
- Document
- Posted on: 02.02.2021
- Author(s):
- Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disability
- Abstract
A social story in plain language that explains the process of getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
Social Story: Recibir Una Vacuna COVID-19 from ThinkEquitable (Spanish)
- Document
- Posted on: 02.02.2021
- Author(s):
- Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disability
- Abstract
A social story in plain language that explains the process of getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
COVID-19 Case & Mortality Report: Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
- Document
- Posted on: 02.02.2021
- Author(s):
- Cuypers, M., Schalk, B. W. M., Koks-Leensen, M. C. J., Nägele, M. E., Bakker-van Gijssel, E. J., Naaldenberg, J., and Leusink, G. L
- Abstract
The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected people with Intellectual or Developmental Disability (I/DD). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on people with I/DD across the USand to educate key stakeholders to better support people with I/DD.
Four Lessons for Cities to Help Advance Equitable Transportation during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond
- Website
- Posted on: 02.02.2021
- Author(s):
- Urban Research Institute, Urban Wire blog
- Abstract
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, access to dependable, affordable public transportation is more important than ever. Many essential workers rely on public transportation to commute to jobs providing critical services, like health care. But they and many others don’t have equal access to affordable transportation. Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC); people with disabilities; the elderly; and people with irregular work schedules often face significant barriers to finding safe and affordable means of transportation to work, and they did long before the pandemic began.
The Urban Institute explored this issue during a recent webinar, when we showcased our new transportation equity data tool and hosted a panel discussion with city and community leaders nationwide. Speakers discussed barriers to transportation equity and solutions cities can use to increase equity in the wake of COVID-19. Four lessons emerged from the conversation.
Plain Language Information on COVID-19 (in 11 languages)
- Website
- Posted on: 02.02.2021
- Author(s):
- Green Mountain Self-Advocates
- Abstract
This 8-page booklet about the Coronavirus is written in plain language. It was created by and for people with developmental disabilities. It focuses on “need to know” information (not “nice to know” information). Translations are provided in Spanish, Bengali, Korean, Haitian Creole, Russian, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese, French, Mandarin, and Vietnamese.
Considerations for COVID-19 Vaccination of Healthcare Personnel and Long-Term Care Facility Residents
- Website
- Posted on: 02.02.2021
- Author(s):
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Abstract
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that when a COVID-19 vaccine is authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended by ACIP, vaccination in the initial phase of the COVID-19 vaccination program (Phase 1a) should be offered to both 1) health care personnel (HCP) and 2) residents of long term care facilities (LTCF). These considerations will be updated as additional information becomes available.
Easy to Read COVID-19 Safety
- Website
- Posted on: 02.02.2021
- Author(s):
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- State Collaborator(s):
- Abstract
These Easy to Read COVID-19 materials were primarily developed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and others who read or listen with understanding below a third-grade level.